New and Full Moon Sound Ceremonies  

As we step into the new paradigm we are being called to gather and restore the Harmony of Offerings.

There is a stillness you find when connecting with Sound and the Stars. There is an activation and awakening in your cells that brings you home with each rising and falling tide. There is an intuitive desire to be in ritual with the Divine, create sacred space, connect our hearts, and place gifts of honor and gratitude upon the altar.


There is a calling to set intentions together, anchor our light, and honor the cycles and rhythms of nature. There is a hunger for Pleasure, Joy, Self-love, Community, Sacred Vows, and the cleansing of fears that pray to be recycled in Love as we Remember the Truth of who we are.

The moon illuminates Your True Self... helping you heal, manifest, and light the path ahead as you co-create with the Universe. The moon shines a light honoring all experiences that have brought you to this moment. May we all return to Love under the same Moon.

Sound is a powerful medicine that moves through your mental, emotional, and physical bodies. The vibrations and frequencies of Sound travel into your cellular system and through your energetic field to cleanse, reorganize, and create space.

Each Sound ceremony is around 60 minutes in duration

and includes the following…

  • Opening Space Meditation

  • Astro Insights honoring the Planetary energies that are present

  • Guided Journaling Ritual to set your intentions and release things (the list of items you’ll need to gather will be sent via email for virtual guests)

  • A Sound Healing Journey with Divine Meditation ~ You will be guided through your journey with a blend of 432 Hz quartz crystal singing bowls which correspond with the 7 chakras (energy centers for the body), 432 Hz crystal pyramid, 432 Hz Pan Drum, Angelic Flow chimes, zephyr chimes connecting with Elements, ocean wave drum, Deep Breathe Gong, rain stick, and voice. As a certified sound practitioner, healer, and multimodality facilitator, Jessica has a family of Instruments Offering an array of Beautiful Sounds making each experience unique.

    • Sound can shift our brainwave states from active Gamma & Beta to relaxed Alpha & Theta which produces a sense of calm and peace within the body. Many of the instruments used during the sound bath experience resonate at the frequency(432 Hz) which brings the body back into harmony.

  • Integration Offering

 Upcoming Ceremony Dates & Times

Please make sure you join my email list below to receive Astro Insights + Invitations to New and Full Moon Sound Ceremonies!

I will send an email with a link for each New and Full Moon and how to prepare a few days before each New and Full Moon.

  • Full Moon in Taurus: November 15th

  • New Moon in Sagittarius: December 1st

  • Full Moon in Gemini: December 15th

  • New Moon in Capricorn: December 30th

  • New Moon SOLAR Eclipse (Annular) in Libra: October 2nd

  • Full Moon in Aries: October 17th

  • New Moon in Scorpio: November 1st

    If you are not already on my email list, please join below to be invited to New and Full Moon Sound Ceremonies and receive Astro Insights. These Ceremonies are Offered for free as a gift from me. You will receive an email a few days before the event including the link, how to prepare, how to create an altar, and all the details for your Sound Ceremony Experience.

Sound is a powerful medicine that moves through the deepest parts of your mental, emotional, and physical bodies awakening your inner world.

The vibrations and frequencies of sound travel deep into your cellular system and through your energetic field to cleanse, reorganize and create space connecting you to your Divine Consciousness and Higher Self.

Receiving sound medicine can open your pathways of remembering and move into completion the patterns and cycles no longer serving you. When you enter this deep state of relaxation so much magic unfolds for you.

Sound Medicine Ceremonies support your body’s natural healing processes to return to Divine homeostasis.

I have been working with Sound for over a decade in my Healing Offerings and deeply immersed in Shamanic Star Seed and Astrology training over the past two years with my Divine teacher Raka’iel for whom I’m eternally grateful. Her guidance has stewarded me to step into this Ceremonial Space Offering the Medicine of Sound & Stars. I will endlessly learn from her Gifts and Loving Wisdom. ~ Mahalo

Sound will be the medicine of the future ~ Edward Cayce

Benefits of Sound Healing

Let go with love and activate your Divine light codes to feel connected and explore your inner world.

  • Overall improved wellbeing

  • Sense of clarity, focus, and peacefulness

  • Feel lighter, happier, and free

  • Feel more present, calm, and centered

  • Release stress & anxiety

  • More restful sleep

  • Release muscle tension

  • Feel more confident and relaxed

“Silver Linings” ~ One of My Favorite Poems…

“This year, we seek silver linings, emerging from the shadows with moonlight in our eyes and roses in our hands, looking for the good that still dwells among us, the heart that beats beneath the skin of the world. We have come carrying seeds of possibility, legacies of longing, with our own power looped loosely across our hips and shining in our bones.

Sometimes we stand here, in fear. Sometimes, in joy. Sometimes we stand not knowing how we will ever figure it all out. Sometimes we remember we don't have to.

 We hear the call, the howl, the song, and we gather from around the globe, meeting in spirit across the miles, remembering that our most reliable sacred text is the one we write each day, bone by bone, shard by shard, side by side.

Remember that your attention is your most powerful and precious prayer, your most potent act of resistance in a culture of distraction. Re-collect it, call it in to your center, press it into your heart, and let it soak beneath your skin, softening your edges and opening your eyes.

Once we re-home our attention within our bodies and bones, we can then extend outward with care and compassion, reaching out to others in their joys and concerns, sorrows and fears, to lend a genuine hand. We make prayers of witnessing, of justice and awakening. We make prayers of presence, where we find ourselves each day.” ~ Molly Remer © Mother Tongue Ink 2022